Please remember that, if you are a consumer according to Art. 3, 1st paragraph, letter a) of the Consumer Code, in cases where a dispute between you and THE LUXER could not be settled further to a complaint submitted directly by you to THE LUXER, the latter shall provide you with the information about the Alternative Dispute Resolution entity or entities (so called “ADR entities”, as set forth by Articles 141-bis et ss. of the Consumer Code) for consumer disputes resolution, specifying whether or not it will make use of the relevant ADR entities to settle the dispute.
Furthermore, we inform you that a European platform for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (so called “ODR platform”) has been established. The ODR platform is available at the following address ; through the platform you may find a list of the ADR entities and relevant link to their websites, as well as start an online dispute resolution procedure for resolving your dispute.
Regardless the outcome of the out-of-court procedure, your rights to resort the court competent for the settlement of your dispute with THE LUXER, as well as to start, where applicable, an out-of-court dispute resolution procedure pursuant to Chapter V, Title II-bis of the Consumer Code are safe. For any further information, please Contact Us.