A legendary voyage
The Maison presents the first episode of The Vivier Express, an enchanting series of short films starring celebrated actress and brand ambassador Laura Dern. This first instalment aboard the brass steam engine transports us through bucolic vistas with the silver-screen star, dressed head to toe in signature Roger Vivier styles, alongside a handsome stranger captivated by her beauty. Stay tuned to find out the true object of his desire…
All aboard the Vivier Express!
A fabulous journey starring Laura Dern in iconic pieces by Maison Vivier
Iconic companions
This cinematic piece brings together icons of screen and style. Throughout the voyage, Laura Dern carries her Viv’ Choc bag, a reflection of the Maison’s artisanal heritage brimming with contemporary style and panache. Joining the star-studded cast are the I Love Vivier pumps, which exude a romantic charm as bold as their heart-shaped décolleté.