Product information
- How can I find my size?Sizes match those displayed on item labels and may be found on our site.
We use European sizing for women's shoes and UK sizing for men's shoes, but strongly recommend that you refer to the size guide to find the right Roger Vivier size for you.
On item description pages, you will find a size guide to help select your size. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
- Can I reserve a product in store?With our "reserve in store" service you can order your desired item(s) for pick-up at your nearest Boutique.
Choose your desired item and size, then select your nearest Boutique from our store list.
Complete the process by clicking on "Reserve in Store".
If you wish to reserve an item by telephone, please contact us.
- Is there a way to check whether a product is available in store?The "find in store" service allows clients to check whether items seen online are available at our Roger Vivier Boutiques.
Choose your desired item and size, then select your nearest Boutique from our store list to check the item's availability.
If you require any additional assistance, please contact us.
- The product I'm looking for is sold out on the Roger Vivier website. How can I find out when it will be back in stock?If a product that you are interested in purchasing is marked "sold out", we suggest that you add it to your Wishlist.
We can then contact you via email as soon as the item becomes available.
We also remind you that you can take advantage of our "find in store" service, which lets you know whether an item is available at our Roger Vivier Boutiques.
If you require any additional assistance, please contact us.
- What is a pre-order and how does it work?Pre-order items are selected models that may be purchased in advance online. These items are reserved for you, then dispatched as soon as they become available. Delivery times are indicated online in the item description, as well as in the order confirmation email sent upon completion of your purchase.
If your purchase includes pre-order items with different delivery dates, you will receive these items separately.
Pre-order items may be purchased using Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Diners Card, Carte Bleue, Discover, Maestro, Visa Electron and PayPal.
Once you have completed your order, an automatic payment authorisation process takes place to verify the validity of your payment card and any available funds. However, the amount for the order is not debited at this stage. All amounts are debited upon shipping of the item(s) and an email is then sent to you confirming receipt of payment.
If you choose to pay for your item(s) using Sofort, the total amount will be debited from your account upon confirmation of your order.
- How do I know if I have purchased an authentic Roger Vivier product?Genuine Roger Vivier items are sold exclusively through a network of Boutiques managed directly by Roger Vivier, at selected franchisees, large warehouses and specialised stores, and on
Unfortunately, counterfeit Roger Vivier items may sometimes be found on websites with registered domain names and sold under the Roger Vivier brand name (or slight variations thereof), using descriptive words such as "bags", "outlet", "authentic" or "genuine". These words are specifically chosen by traffickers of counterfeit goods to trick clients into purchasing items from their websites. Please contact us if you wish to report a counterfeit Roger Vivier item or a suspicious website. We kindly ask that you provide us with a detailed description of the item on the website in question, where the purchase was made, the seller, product type, website address etc. We appreciate your help in the fight against counterfeit products and remind you that the official Roger Vivier website is
- How can I identify an unauthorised site?Counterfeit Roger Vivier items may sometimes be found on websites with registered domain names and sold under the Roger Vivier brand name (or slight variations thereof), using descriptive words such as "bags", "outlet", "authentic" or "genuine".
These words are specifically chosen by traffickers of counterfeit goods to trick clients into purchasing items from their websites. The official Roger Vivier website is
- What should I do if I have a problem with sizing or if a product isn't what I expected?All items sold on are covered by our Legal Guarantee of Conformity.
If a product purchased on exhibits any problems relating to defects or conformity, clients can contact us regarding their query strictly during the Legal Guarantee notice period.
The Customer Service Team will respond promptly to your claim and assist you with the next steps. For more information regarding application of the Legal Guarantee of Conformity, please consult Section 12 of our Terms and Conditions.
- Where are Roger Vivier products made?All Roger Vivier products are produced exclusively at our workshops located in Italy.
Our team of skilled artisans use the finest materials to create each piece with precision and care, ensuring that every stage of production reflects the Maison’s values of creativity, rarity and craftsmanship.
- Does Roger Vivier offer repair/alteration services?Roger Vivier provides after-sales services for products purchased from, Roger Vivier stores and authorised Roger Vivier retailers.
All our Roger Vivier stores offer repair services and our staff are happy to assist you with an assessment. Our trained client advisors are on hand to give you the best advice and inform you of any related costs for the required repairs, if applicable. Our full list of stores is available via our Store Locator.
If you are unable to take your item to a Roger Vivier store, do not hesitate to contact us.